Small and Medium-sized Enterprises references
In many ways, SMEs are the lifeblood of the economy - from innovative start-ups to ancillary suppliers. Such companies and organisations ensure that the pulse of business beats with constant renewal and that the economy and society benefit from their efforts. And CPLS is there to lend a helping hand, especially on the international stage that provides the platform for SMEs to flourish. Here are a few to whet your appetite.
Like Topic Embedded Systems, whose new website we translated, helping to profile the company more effectively in its international markets. Working closely with the communication and product management team, CPLS ensured that the new Topic website represents what the company is about.
Or the Pivot Park Life Science Campus that hosts a variety of companies, research centres and other organisations in the high-end pharma field. We regularly translate articles that profile the people and the work there.
And not to forget close collaborative relationships, such as the one we have with the marketing communication specialist ECHT, which supports corporate branding and profiling for its clients. We make sure that the texts have had a perfect English spelling and grammar check but also hit the mark in terms of the target readers.

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